Guest Screening Tools for Short Term Rental Hosts

Table of Contents

Every host of a short term rental knows that it is important to implement guest screening, particularly when running a short term rental community where guests are likely to be neighbors with, or even interact with other guests.

Software Options

There are a few incredible and economical APIs hosts can use to screen reservations and verify identities.

  1. Inflection offers an API for customer screening that can be used to help determine if a guest is a good fit for your property. Their features include:
    1. Criminal Background Checks
    2. Risk Assessment
    3. Sex Offender Registry Check
    4. International Criminal Watchlists
  2. is another incredible tool for guest screening. Their feature set includes:
    1. A risk assessment score for each reservation
    2. Recommendations based on risk assessment
    3. Integration with your PMS including Guesty, Hostfully, Hostaway, Airbnb, and
    4. Fraud detection
    5. Party risk assessment
    6. Background checks
    7. Digital contracts
  3. CoreLogic provides an API for guest screening. They specialize in criminal background checks with a database containing over 4.5 billion records.

Final Thoughts

Hyatus has had a very positive experience with both and inflection. Whatever you choose for your needs, we definitely recommend every host have some level of guest screening to ensure guest safety, limit online identity fraud, and help keep the short term rental community a safe place for guests to enjoy a homey experience wherever they happen to be travelling.

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